As a Matter of (f) act 01 - The Queen Must Die
As a matter of (f) act is a series of mini-publications, each with a spatial translation, consisting of photographic images and text, focussing on a specific gesture where human and nature meet. An encounter where humankind often takes the controlling and dominant position, while simultaneously accepting the laws of nature.
The photographic images document these moments, gestures and encounters as a straightforward registration, applying photographic aesthetic. These applied aesthetics somehow confirms and reinforces the romanticized nature of the narrative and the encounter between human and nature, as well as that of the photographic medium. The text accompanying each edition, on the other hand, creates a experimental counter-narrative in which fact and fiction are mixed up, and serves to question and deconstruct this romanticized translation of reality we often attribute to the photographic medium.
01 The Queen Must Die : The first edition shows us a beekeeper catching a wild bee colony by moving its queen towards a new destination, while accepting the uncontrollable whether the colony will follow or not.
02 work in progress : The second edition shows us Croatian fishermen who fish at night, sleep during the day and only come ashore for consecutive days during the full moon, when there is too much light for the fish to be attracted to the lights of the boat, which the fishermen use as bait.
03 work in progress : The third edition shows us a mountain shepherd meeting another mountain shepherd to reorganize their herds based on which sheep is pregnant.
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Created during residency at RAVI, Liège (october - december 2024), Open studios December 13, 14, 15 / 2024 art residency RAVI (Liège) Place Vivegnis 36, 4000 Liège